Programs & Projects

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Over the span of 11 years MERCY worldwide has spearheaded over 875 projects ranging from home makeovers for cancer survivors, building home ramps for people with disabilities; engineering a 30 foot “sensory wall’ for children who attend a blind school, developing education programs, orchestrating theater events and organizing carnivals for orphans and children with down syndrome; to conducting medical and dental clinics for street children; responding to disasters after devastating earthquakes in Chile and Mexico City and floods in Houston and Manila; and installing fire alarms in vulnerable communities in Los Angeles and hosting blood drives with the American Red Cross, to name only a few.

Our annual Day of MERCY brings together our MERCY volunteers from around the globe to participate in various projects in their cities. In 2021, one of the largest impacts that we’ve faced is the shortage of food for many of those impacted by Covid-19.  Without a global pandemic there is a major need for food support in impoverished neighborhoods and cities so with the pandemic, it makes it much harder for many people to get the much need relief and support they so desperately need.

Join us this summer as we take steps to help those less fortunate, and get involved with a MERCY branch nearest to you!



In partnership with The American Red Cross, MERCY has spearheaded a National Blood Drive in 30 cities across the United States, during the Holiday Season, the time of the year when blood supplies are at the lowest levels. This year, the first annual, over 900 pints of blood were collected.  In 2021, we are planning to expand the program internationally. 


MERCY’s Life Skills Program is a uniquely personalized and comprehensive mentorship program that provides young adults with the necessary tools to prosper and live fulfilling lives in today’s hectic world.  MERCY Life Skills has expanded to Miami, San Francisco, and Seattle. 

To meet the needs of our times resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, a special session has been added to help individuals navigate the benefit program offered by the US Government, including unemployment paperwork, applying for government aid, while helping the participants seek gainful employment during the pandemic.   

We are looking to extend the MERCY Life Skills Teen Edition.



Okobaba Nigeria is one of the poorest floating communities in the world.  The Real MERCY School is helping over 100 children, grades 1 to 4, transform their lives through education.  To improve the quality of their education MERCY has provided scholarships and donated much needed textbooks and school supplies.  To improve overall health and hygiene, MERCY built a toilet facility with running water at the school, so the children no longer have to use plastic bags in a small open area.  To help improve the quality of life at home, MERCY distributed mosquito nets and food supplies to the families.   

MERCY is looking to relocate The Real School to a safer, more secure area, away from the gangs, drugs, and fires which currently surrounds the school.


MERCYworldwide started in 2008 with a toy drive in Los Angeles during the Christmas season.  A small group of MERCY Ambassadors collected over 150 toys, which we distributed to unprivileged children in Los Angeles.  Since then, MERCY’s Toy Drive has become an annual event (2021 is our 13th Annual), and has expanded to become known as MERCY’s Annual International Toy Drive.  Toys are collected and distributed around the globe each holiday season, bringing smiles to the faces and joy to the hearts of thousands of vulnerable children worldwide.  
